Feb 8, 2024 | Marine environment & clean shipping news

According to Dutch maritime data company PortXchange, amidst the numerous unprecedented logistical challenges the maritime industry faces worldwide, it is vital not to overlook how the sector is potentially unprepared for the crucial new EU environmental regulations.

Sjoerd de Jager, CEO PortXchange, said: “It seems not everyone is aware of the impending EU requirements.”

As international regulators require net-zero emissions across the sector by 2050, impactful regulations have been implemented to achieve this necessary goal. The recording of EU emissions by MRV and CSRD, coupled with the increasingly strict limits on emissions by FuelEU and ETS, signifies the profound regulatory change the maritime sector is undergoing. The recent ETS assignment of administering authorities to shipping companies is one of the final stages in implementing ETS. Each shipping company has also been allocated a country to open its Maritime Operator Holding Account (MOHA) and submit its greenhouse gas emission allowances (EUAs), further restricting allowable emission levels.

Although these new requirements may currently appear modest, they will quickly intensify and necessitate sweeping adjustments within the sector. Adequately adapting to these changes demands a swift and dedicated response. The substantial fines for non-compliance will mean a change of attitude from indifference and waiting and seeing to rapid compliance in meeting deadlines. This underscores the need for immediate action to avoid any financial consequences.

Despite the regulations primarily targeting shipping lines, the role ports will play in meeting these challenges is vital. Ports are strategically positioned to lead the charge towards greener shipping, as they are essential locations in designing the new fuel infrastructure and are often sources of massive emissions from transportation and industrial cluster activity. Port emissions cannot be ignored in the shipping line calculations as Scope 3 and sometimes Scope 2. With ports often also close to residential areas, the impact of a port’s decarbonisation agenda is hard to overestimate.

The complexity of the current environmental regulations requires data-driven solutions so the maritime sector can remain proactive in complying with the new industry standards. Ports must lead in the historic effort to reduce emissions and PortXchange says it is committed to supporting the industry in achieving this goal. PortXchange’s EmissionInsider can help benchmark current port emissions, evaluate strategies to reduce emissions, and implement decarbonisation practices so ports can achieve zero-emission status. The company’s data collection services can enable ports to be leaders in complying with international climate regulations while transitioning to creating a more sustainable port ecosystem.

Image: Sjoerd de Jager, CEO, PortXchange (credit: PortXchange/Image Line)

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