Nov 16, 2023 | Marine environment & clean shipping news

Norwegian supermarket company Europris has chosen Maersk’s ECO Delivery product to significantly reduce GHG emissions from seaborne logistics.

Europris has more than 260 supermarkets and is one of the largest importers of containerised goods from Asia into the country. Maersk and Europris have a long-standing partnership in end-to-end logistics. With ECO Delivery Ocean, Maersk offers its customers the opportunity to handle transports completely with certified green fuels for a fixed cost. The corresponding GHG savings are confirmed to the customers with a certificate and these transports will be exempted from EU ETS charges by Maersk in the future.

Birna Odefors, MD Maersk Area Nordics said: “Europris is among the first customers that is shipping 100% of its cargo under Maersk care with ECO Delivery. It is very exciting to see more and more of our customers going 100% in to reduce their emissions from seaborne transports instantly and without any compromises.”

Pål-Christian Andersen, Logistics Director Europris said: “The reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions is an important strategic goal for our company. The cooperation with partners that seek modern solutions and opportunities are therefore imperative for achieving our ambitions.”

Europris aims to reduce its CO2 emissions in line with the Paris Agreement and the 1.5°C target. The Norwegian company is working towards zero emissions by 2050. Decarbonising logistics is a key area to achieve a fast and efficent reduction of emissions. Europris is decreasing its GHG emissions from ocean transports with ECO Delivery by more than 80% or in concrete figures over 3,270t CO2e in 2023 and another estimated 6,250t CO2e in 2024. This is made possible by replacing fossil fuels on Maersk ships with second generation biodiesel or bio-methanol based on waste feedstocks.

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